4 Benefits of Mints and Peppermint Oil for Hair

Written by: RKT Hair Care Team


Time to read 4 min

Mint Oils For Hair and Scalp

When people think of mint oils for hair, the first thing that may come to mind is the unique and strong scent of mint essential oil. While fragrance and refreshment is what mint is used for, it also has many other uses when applied to your hair and scalp. For one, mint is a great source of carotene and antioxidants, which are both substances that help with scalp health by strengthening your hair follicles. Mint also acts as a natural antimicrobial and antifungal agent, which overall helps with your scalp health by removing potential causes of dandruff or dryness and itchiness resulting from leftover filth in your scalp.

Mint Oil

4 Benefits of Mints and Peppermint Oils for Hair

That being said, there are two mints that stand out in hair products for the above properties: Rosemary and Peppermint. The two share similar properties, but have different fragrances and processes for application. Here are 4 benefits from the Mint family, specifically Rosemary and Peppermint, that you should take note of.

1. Rosemary Mint for Repairing Hair

Rosemary is from the mint family and it is commonly found in the form of essential oils in commercial use. However, when rosemary mints are used in hair products, they can act as a great agent for promoting hair growth. If you have dry and damaged hair, rosemary oil is great for repairing the damage starting at the root of your hair. Rosemary oil, when applied topically to your scalp, will help repair any damaged nerve tissue, and this in turn helps your hair grow faster in response to rejuvenated nerves that are more responsive to the environment and bodily signals to grow hair faster.

Rosemary acts like minoxidil, a compound used for hair growth through a method called vasodilating. A vasodilator is a substance that widens the blood vessels to deliver more blood to the hair follicles, which in turn nourishes the area. Therefore, rosemary helps increase the size and strength of hair follicles, which can then help grow thicker, stronger hair.

2. Rosemary Mint for Cleaning Hair

Rosemary oil can be applied to hair like a hair mask for up to 30 minutes, then you must wash away the oil because leaving rosemary oil on your scalp and skin can lead to itching and burning because it is a strong herb that also cleanses your hair. Like any other cleanser, it should not be left in your hair for a long period of time.

When using rosemary oil as a cleanser for your hair, try mixing it with other oils to dilute the rosemary essence. Some hair specialists will recommend adding drops of rosemary oil to your hair care routine and products. If you want to use rosemary oil and see results in your hair, it can be used as a long-term treatment when you add a few drops of rosemary oil to your shampoo or conditioner.

Rosemary oil

3. Peppermint Oil for Hair Growth

Peppermint oil for hair products is one of the most popular oils for hair growth for its natural strengthening and fragrance. The reason for this is the presence of a compound called menthol, which is what gives any mint its cool and refreshing feel. The cooling feeling is related to the altercation of blood flow in the immediate area, and when blood flow is boosted to the location, which for your hair should be your scalp, helps with hair growth. Increased blood flow to the scalp will help nourish your hair follicles, so in essence, peppermint oil for hair targets your scalp’s nutrition.

4. Peppermint Oil for Cleansing Hair and Scalp

Lastly, peppermint oil is a great tool to use for cleaning your hair of excess oil. It cleans layers of oil that may build up on your hair without drying out your hair in the same process, unlike sulfates that completely strip your hair of oil in a deep clean. Peppermint oil is good for greasy hair, but you should still take into consideration that it is not meant to be used in large amounts and it is not a deep cleaner.

When using peppermint oil for hair, it is important to know that it acts as a cleanser would, so you should not leave it on your scalp for extended periods of time. The same goes for any essential oil, and before you use peppermint oil in your hair, your should test it first on a small scale. You should never use peppermint oil for hair in its undiluted form because it can cause burning and tingling on your scalp since it has many powerful compounds. Instead, when you use peppermint oil, it should be mixed with other natural oils and compounds that are good for your hair, such as coconut oil. Using peppermint oil for hair in combination with other healthy oils and mixtures will achieve the best results.

Peppermint Oil

Products with Peppermint Oil for Hair

Many commercial products may not advertise peppermint oil as a primary ingredient for hair because peppermint is usually associated with food, toothpaste, or fresheners, but it nonetheless has many benefits for hair and scalp. What most mints contain is a substance called Carotene, and specifically Beta carotene has the best hair growth properties. Beta carotene aids in cell regrowth when it is naturally converted to Vitamin A in your body, which then can help combat hair thinning. It is used for the maintenance and development of scalp skin and hair follicles, so your hair can reflect good moisture and shine.

RKT Shampoo uses peppermint oil as a primary ingredient in hair treatment and cleansing because RKT Hair Care focuses on your scalp health. In conjunction with Aloe and Ginseng extract, RKT shampoo nourishes the scalp while using natural cleansers to remove oil and filth from your hair while promoting healthy hair growth.

RKT Shampoo with Peppermint Oil